الرئيسيةمقالات وآراءThe Role of Family Counseling in Achieving Family Security in the Era...

The Role of Family Counseling in Achieving Family Security in the Era of Digital Transformation.

The Role of Family Counseling in Achieving Family Security in the Era of Digital Transformation.

Samah Dado

A Ph.D student

Psychology and Educational Counseling.

Alquds Open University.

دور الإرشاد الأسري في تحقيق الأمان الأسري في عصر التحول الرقمي


الإرشاد الأسري هو أحد أهم فئات الإرشاد النفسي والتي تلعب دورا محوريا في تعزيز الأمان الأسري، ومع عصر التحول الرقمي أصبح هذا الدور أكثر أهمية من أي وقت مضى لازدياد التحديات التي تواجه الأسر مثل ضعف التواصل العائلي، مخاوف الخصوصية وسوء استخدام العالم الرقمي.

يساعد الإرشاد الأسري في تعزيز التواصل بين أفراد العائلة، بناء المرونة، وضع حدود واضحة في التعامل مع الشبكة العنكبوتية و الإدمان الرقمي، محو الأمية الرقمية وكيفية مواجهة تأثير ونمذجة ما يسمى مشاهير الشبكات الإجتماعية.


Family counseling is one of the counseling categories that plays a vital role in enhancing and fostering family’s security when this security is threatened, especially in these times where the digital transformation poses its effects globally on all families. While technology brings numerous advantages, it also presents challenges that can affect family security and stability. Family counseling plays a  pivotal role in addressing these challenges and provides strategies to help families navigate the complexities of this era.

As Palestinians, Arabs, we have our morals, special concerns and special value systems. We have been raised in a way that appreciates our parents, respects their values and behaves in a way that is consistent within this frame of behaviors and value system that specifies the role of each family member( big brother, uncle, aunt, grandparents, nephews…..etc).

So what happened?

The intrusion of technology into personal interactions, known as “technoference” can disrupt family dynamics(The Chicago School, 2024), it also contributes widely in changing or disrupting our identity and moral system, since we are mainly passive recipients, not active influencers or content contributors. Family counseling helps families to enhance communication skills within the family and build resilience , ensuring that members can express their needs, emotions and  concerns about digital issues. This will foster mutual understanding and strengthen family bonds. Building resilience includes fostering self-esteem, encouraging critical thinking and promoting healthy relationships

Another important aspect of intervention is setting boundaries, setting healthy boundaries for digital device usage. Which includes establishing screen time limits, monitoring the sites the children can access and promoting interactive, face-to face communication.

Family counseling should educate family members on digital literacy, especially in our cultural and political context, this helps the family members understand the risks and benefits of technology. This involves teaching about online safety, protecting personal information, cyberbullying and online harassment. These issues are  affecting the well being of children and adolescents, particularly. Trying to bridge the gap between generations and help parents to overcome their technophobia, if they have, is essential.

Addressing digital addiction, that has a negative impact on family interaction and communications. Counselors can help families identify signs of digital addiction and developing strategies to manage screen time is very crucial. This may involve creating offline activities and quality family time.

Maybe one of the biggest challenges families are facing is the influence of social media. Social media can shape perceptions and influence behavior, which may lead to unrealistic expectations and comparisons that can strain family relationships and misbehaviors that are rejected or inconsistent with our cultural or religious beliefs.

So, to overcome these challenges we do really need to emphasize the role of family counseling, ask for help and training from those who can provide. Strategies and plans at the national level should include family counseling to protect the core unit in the society( the family), so as to conserve the security and functioning of our society.



Borcsa, M., Pomini, V. (2019). Couple and Family Therapy in the Digital Era. In: Lebow, J.L., Chambers, A.L., Breunlin, D.C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-49425-8_1069


Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. (n.d.). Balancing alliances with couples and families. Retrieved from https://societyforpsychotherapy.org/balancing-alliances-with-couples-and-families


The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. (2024). Family therapists’ evolving role: Navigating modern relationship challenges. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Retrieved July 20, 2024, from
